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Rating: PG-13
My Rating: JJJJJ
Content: Brief Nudity, Strong Language, Violence


Writer and Director: James Cameron
Producer: Gale Anne Hurd
Original Score By: Alan Sylvestri

Ed Harris ... "Bud Brigman"
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio ... "Lindsey Brigman"
Michael Biehn ... "Lt. Hiram Coffey"
Leo Burmester ... "'Catfish'DeVries"
Todd Graff ... "Allen 'Hippy' Carnes"
John Bedford Lloyd ... "'Jammer' Willis"
J.C. Quinn ... "Arliss 'Sonny' Dawson"
Kimberly Scott ... "Lisa 'One Night' Standing"
Capt. Kidd Brewer, Jr. ... "Lew 'Bird Dog' Finler"
George Robert Klek ... "Wilhite"
Christopher Murphy ... "Shoenick"
Adam Nelson ... "Ensign Monk"
Michael Beach ... "Aaron Barnes"
Jimmie Ray Weeks ... "McBride"
J. Kenneth Campbell ... "Commodore DeMarco"
Ken Jenkins ... "Kirkhill"
Chris Elliot ... "Bendix"


When a nuclear-missle sub mysteriously sinks, the Navy commandeers the crew of a civilian deep-sea oil rig to help in the rescue operation. This perilous mission becomes a wondrous odyssey into the unknown as forces from the ocean's deepest region begin to make contact with the divers. For Bud Brigman and his estranged wife Lindsey it becomes also a test of their physical and emotional limits. Their journey into the endless night of the ocean's depths lays bare the human heart in an elemental confrontation between death, love and something else...the strange inhuman watchers in the abyss.

My Thoughts:
If you couldn't tell from the list of movies on the previous page, James Cameron is one of my favorite story tellers. And with The Abyss he captured my imagination so completely, I was drawn to and into this movie like a magnet. I saw it twelve times at the theater, read the book by Orson Scott Card (which was just as excellent, giving you much more of an insight into the character's thoughts than you got from the movie), bought the movie, then bought the movie again recently when it was re-released by Fox in letterbox format with most of the extra scenes that had been left on the cutting room floor.
Thought it is difficult to say exactly what my #1 favorite movie is, I can definitely say that The Abyss ranks somewhere in the top 5. This movie, to me, is a testament to James Cameron's wonderful sense of storytelling. It brings to life all the best ingredients of a good movie: drama, action, suspense, romance and fantasy. If you haven't seen The Abyss, I recommend the letterbox formatted version with the extra sceens, dimmed lights, someone to watch it with you and a big bowl of popcorn. Enjoy!



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